Saturday, March 22, 2014


We've all been there. That new movie or game that's coming out soon. It looks so awesome. You spend months obsessing over it. Then you finally see it. And...disappointment. Whether it wasn't what you were expecting in the slightest or whether it just wasn't that good, you feel almost bitter that you spent so much time getting excited over something that turned out to be an inferior product.

I've experienced disappointment as well. A lot. Which is why I'd like to make a blog of it. Within this blog, I'll be showcasing my disappointment over games, movies, books, TV shows, web videos, basically anything I can type a reasonable article on.

Keep in mind, disappointment doesn't always mean that whatever I'm talking about is bad. For instance, I felt some disappointment in the game, Devil May Cry, but I wouldn't say it's bad, not by a long shot, it just wasn't what I was expecting.

So strap yourselves in. The next stop on the Hype Train is utter disappointment.

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